Monday, November 28, 2011

What Are the Purposes of Religion?

Well, I think that the purpose of religion is to make sort of guidelines for the faithful people. By guidelines, I mean rules that tell people how to live. This may sound like some sort of religious dictatorship or something, but it's not. Here's what these rules look like; be nice to people/treat them like you'd want to be treated, don't ever steal or break government laws, etc...
Now, you, the reader, may be wondering "what does the god/s have to do with religion? Where do they come in?" Well, what they do is write all these laws, which are now in holy books like the Quran, Tora, Bible, and so on. And if you're confused, they don't actually have the ORIGINAL writings in the handwriting of god in the books, they are copies.
That's basically it for this subject, so until next time, I'm out.

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