Monday, November 28, 2011

What Are the Purposes of Religion?

Well, I think that the purpose of religion is to make sort of guidelines for the faithful people. By guidelines, I mean rules that tell people how to live. This may sound like some sort of religious dictatorship or something, but it's not. Here's what these rules look like; be nice to people/treat them like you'd want to be treated, don't ever steal or break government laws, etc...
Now, you, the reader, may be wondering "what does the god/s have to do with religion? Where do they come in?" Well, what they do is write all these laws, which are now in holy books like the Quran, Tora, Bible, and so on. And if you're confused, they don't actually have the ORIGINAL writings in the handwriting of god in the books, they are copies.
That's basically it for this subject, so until next time, I'm out.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

The podcast that I found most interesting, from the ones I listened to, was by a man named Penn Jillette, who talks about the absence of an all powerful man in the sky who we all should pray to. I personally agree to him, what with being an atheist myself, but perhaps don't care about the topic enough to try and disprove there being a deity/s, unlike Mr. Jillette, who seems to be searching for all sorts of reasons to criticize and just find any holes in the fabric of religion to unravel the whole thing and show it as a fake. I chose this podcast because I am atheist, as I mentioned previously, so I do agree with Mr. Jillette, but unlike him, I don't really speak my thoughts about religion, due to its being such a sensitive topic. I respect other people who are religious and just think to myself, "each to their own opinion." If they want to belong to a faith, they can, if not, they don't have to. That's how I think of it.;

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Domiknow Profile Thingy Hooberdoob

1. I learn best when......
I am with one or two people are like me in terms of learning styles, and are competent and hard workers. I also like to have all the instructions in a step by step way that has a lot of detail in them.

2. I need to .....
To learn well, I need to maybe do group work with one or two other hard workers, and not people who can get on the incompetent side. Because that just gets me into a foul mood, and I'm not nice when I'm mad. However, I only like to work in groups with people when we are doing a project like making a model, or making a film. Sometimes, even for those aforementioned activities, I like to work alone, I also prefer to work alone on writeups, and not have to work with another person and rely on them to write other paragraphs.

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning....

Would be giving me projects that incorporate lots of detail and are challenging, like an essay on personal opinions or maybe models of famous monuments. In essays that are that sort of genre, I really tell the reader how I feel about certain things, say, a world leader, and let all my feelings flow into the paper.

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me.....
I do not, to be frank, suffer fools well. If I am with someone in a group who is not overly competent, I am susceptible to losing my head and becoming quite bossy and even rude to the person. It is a flaw in my personality that I loathe, but sadly, I seem to be stuck with it. So, my message to my teachers would be to put me in a group with people who are good workers and really want to do the best they can on projects.