Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learning Profile

  I learn best when we do a fun activity or experiment in a class like science. When we do an experiment or activity, I remember things that we have learned far, far better because we would have done something memorable instead of just sitting there listening to a teacher give dull lectures. I find that when we don't do an experiment or activity, a lot of the stuff I learned in that class I simply forget!
  I need to be able to keep things that I learn in my head, especially in math. I hate it when I forget a bunch of stuff that I have learned and then do poorly in a test. Information just seems to migrate away from my mind and blow away in the wind.
  The strategies that would help me in my learning would be to jot down notes on a piece of paper and then look over them later until the information is imprinted in my brain permanently. But I never seem to remember to do this. Maybe I should write down a note that tells me to write down notes in class.
  I would like my teachers to know that I am always wanting to extend my vocabulary and learn how to use advanced words in the proper context, which I sometimes don't do. I also want my teachers to know that I like to do activities in class and not just sit in a chair listening to a teacher go on and on and on about some dull subject that we covered several classes back and we have been working on for several days.
 This is an image of my learning profile letter and all my dominant body parts. They are all on the right side.

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