Sunday, May 29, 2011


Well, after a loooooong year of work and essays and stuff like that, it is finally time to get on a plane and head off for an awesome holiday. This blog is mainly going to be a reflection on what I have done during the year and why I'm proud of it.
First off, my favorite piece of work that I have done this year would probably be.... hmmm.... my imaginative narrative. We wrote this narrative in November to December, and it was a piece of writing that we wrote based on a prompt given by the teacher. Mine was a sci-fi/horror story about a disembodied foot that went around turning people into monsters and in the end everyone died, except the main character, who went back to Earth and lived happily ever after.
Next, the greatest challenge I faced during 6th grade was definitely division in Math. I had sooo much trouble in that unit, and my grade in Math may as well have jumped off the Golden Gate bridge it fell so much. And it took forever and a half to get it back up to a acceptable grade. I was definitely not happy with that this year, and I sort of overcame the challenge at home, but I still didn't do well on the tests at school.
I learned that I had a hidden talent, I guess you could say, in drama. Apart from forgetting my lines in a performance, I think I was half decent as an actor. I never knew that I would actually be good at being an actor, but now I know! Hooray!
Now about my work habits. I think that my behavior in class is near perfect, I mean, I always listen attentively, I rarely get off task during when I work. This only happens when people start to talk to me through chat or physically. I find it very annoying.
Participation-wise, I always participate actively in class discussions and always ask questions whenever I don't understand something. I always give decent feedback for people when they show the class projects, and give input that applies to all the people in the class.
Organization: Oooh boy, this is going to make me sound like a slob. My organization needs serious help. My locker looks like someone dropped a bomb on it, then a hurricane went through it, a tornado struck in there, a plane crashed into the locker (minus the fire), and then someone nuked it. It is a pigsty in there, with books lying on there sides, and papers strewn all through it, and my pencil always gets lost in there. Maybe next year I'll make an effort to keep it clean, but only if I get around to it. Fortunately, I haven't lost much homework in there!
Effort: I usually try to do my best on projects, but what really takes the fun out of it for me is having to make projects where all the options are projects that are computer based. I like to make 3D models out of clay and dioramas, not make a comic on the computer. I think that our latest Tic Tac Toe could have been far more awesome if I had had the option to make a diorama of the Parthenon like I did in our first Tic Tac Toe for the cavemen times. Quite frankly, I really dislike the way all of the work is computer based, and because of that, sometimes I don't feel as motivated to do a good job, because I just find it kind of boring.
I have two goals for grade 7: 1, I'd like to become more organized with my locker, and not have it look like a landfill anymore. I don't want to have any more homework being swallowed by the pit that is my locker.
My second goal is to improve my confidence in Math. For years now I've had a problem with my confidence in Math. I always say I suck at it and that in turn brings my grade down, especially in division. I always score very badly on division tests because of my confidence.
There isn't really much that I'd like my teachers to know next year, just my confidence problem, and that I know a lot of the stuff in Humanities classes, probably 'cause I watch a lot of Nat Geo and History channel. I know the most about WWII, not as much about prior times, like the middle ages.
My favorite class activity in Humanities this year was the first Tic Tac Toe project. I got to make a diorama of a cavemen camp. I had a dead boar and a cave that they lived in and a load of little people. That is the sort of thing that I enjoy, not making comics on a computer and having everything be computer based. Now before I start ranting, let me move on.
The activity that I wish we could have spent more time on was the first Tic Tac Toe project. I wanted to put on some finishing touches for my diorama, but we then ran out of time and I couldn't touch it up and make it perfect. D:
My advice for the class of 2018, the new 6th graders, would be to STAY ORGANIZED AND DON'T USE ME AS A ROLE MODEL! They have to be organized so that they don't lose any homework in their lockers, which, quite frankly, stinks. That's pretty much it, advice-wise, so thanks for reading, if you made it this far, and goodbye!

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