Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Literature Circle Reflection

      My groups discussion did not improve my understanding of the book Hatchet. I already had a full understanding of the story and had no questions about my understanding of the book. A key idea we discussed was Brian's motivation in the story. We talked about what would have happened if he wasn't able to stay motivated and how he had become a stronger person by staying motivated.
      I connected to how Brian reacted to both the advice from his teacher, Perpich, and the hatchet his mother gave him. I said that I would probably think " yeah, whatever," and forget about the advice and the hatchet.
     I predict that Brian will be found by search parties in the end and live happily ever after, like in most stories. But I think that before that, something very big will happen, like a giant bear coming and attacking him, injuring him badly. Or maybe, Brian will get sick from something he ate and go into delirium. All I can say is, something bad will most likely happen to him sooner or later, the author had to put some drama into the story, not just have Brian going around finding food and sleeping. There has to be some action in a story for it to be successful.

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